Recent Before and After Videos
Unwanted Behaviors
Unwanted behaviors such as digging, jumping on people, biting, and running away are all manageable and preventable actions through a firm and nurturing environment, enforced by training with redirection and allowing your companion, not only a physical outlet, but mental stimulation, that allows for them to thrive!
Any Age,
Any Breed
At any age, for any breed, every dog has the capability to learn the basics! With various training options available, any puppy or older dog, regardless of behavioral concerns, can master the basics. Through bond and consistency, aggression and specialized work can be addressed.

The K9s and Sunshine
Experienced. Honest. Personal.
Through teamwork and owner education, the best results possible, follow suit. While your dog lives in home with their trainer, they grow a bond and closeness that allows for flourishing growth in your companion's capabilities. Dog training is more in depth than commanding your dog, but rather teaching each dog as an individual, catering to the way they learn best, while educating their human! With the best communication skills and K9 experience, ensures for the best understanding for dog and human alike, with lasting results.